Galveston FeatherFest

Sunday, Apr 27, 2025 at 7:00am

Various Venues at Galveston, TX

23rd Annual Galveston FeatherFest

Schedule of Events

7:00 am - 10:00 am: Focus on Bolivar Photography - $65
The tip of the Bolivar Peninsula offers a wide variety of photographic opportunities and you are in for a treat on this morning photography adventure. Begin your trip with a ferry ride across the Houston Ship Channel. The group will be meeting Sean on the Bolivar side where there will be opportunities to photograph birds at the ferry landing. From there you will caravan to the North Jetty for an opportunity to photograph American Avocets and other wading birds. Finally, the group will photograph wading birds in several marshes nearby. Locations are subject to change based on tide, wind, and location of the birds.

7:00 am - 2:00 pm: Brazoria County Lesser-Known Hot Spots with Martin Hagne #2 - $80
Come join us for a day in Brazoria County birding some of the lesser-known hotspots, although that does not make them any less birdy!  These sites are enjoyed by local birders year-round and are especially attractive during spring migration. We will stay flexible with our route depending on weather, bird activity, and other considerations.

7:30 am - 11:30 am: Warbler Watching with Glenn Olsen #2 - $70
Back by popular demand, for this trip, you will be guided by one of our most experienced birders and all-around nature lover, Glenn Olsen. Glenn leads nature tours in the US and overseas but he calls the upper Texas coast home. His extensive knowledge of local birding areas is sure to yield excellent views of migrating warblers as they move through our area on their way to nesting habitat. As a bonus, Glenn is also a Texas Master Naturalist and has served as the president of the Native Plant Society of Texas. His knowledge in these areas should greatly enhance your trip experience. Our group will focus on techniques for improving field identification skills. We will be traveling by bus and places visited will depend on weather patterns and reports from the previous day's birding activities.

7:45 am - 12:45 pm: Galveston Complete Birding Sampler #2 - $60
Galveston is a Gulf coastal island renowned for its many habitats. On the Gulf beaches, you'll scan out on the swells and incoming surf for rafts of waterfowl and seabirds. Walking along the beach the edge of the surf is active with the antics of the island's year-round and migrating peeps, Reddish Egret, Great Blue Heron, and shorebirds foraging on “what the tide brung-in.” Away from the water among the dunes of San Luis Pass, East Beach and GISP, Savannah Sparrow and Horned Lark flit about. Beyond the dunes are briny ponds holding roosting seabirds, Nelson's and Seaside Sparrows, rails, coots, and water birds. In the bay and tidal marshes migrating and nesting herons, egrets and cormorants in their breeding best, forage. The avian fauna is always in flux with the advance and retreat of the tide moving the food chain in and out. Among the tidally influenced habits and the open coastal prairies and oak mottes migrating songbirds need to refuel and find fresh water.

8:00 am - 12:00 pm: Brazos Bend State Park - $50
Brazos Bend can be the perfect ending to your FeatherFest experience! Drive your own car to beautiful Brazos Bend State Park and meet with local guides, Mark Scheuerman and Kristine Rivers. Note: Drive time to Brazos Bend is about 1 ½ hours from FeatherFest Headquarters. The park opens at 8:00 am This beautiful state park is 4,897.

8:00 am - 12:00 pm: Sunday Morning Shorebirds with Jon Dunn - $75
Wrap up your FeatherFest adventure with a Sunday morning of shorebirds with Jon Dunn. Jon is a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds. He co-authored the sixth and seventh editions of National Geographic Society's Field Guide to the Birds of North America. He was the Chief Consultant/Editor for the first five editions.

8:00 am - 12:00 pm: Hidden Places of Galveston Island State Park - $60
Galveston Island State Park protects 2,000 acres of upper Gulf Coast barrier island ecosystem. Barrier islands like Galveston move and change constantly with the action of waves, wind, and tides to support a mosaic of coastal habitats, including beaches, prairies and wetlands. These habitats host a surprising variety of wildlife. Join Kyle O'Haver Park Superintendent.

8:00 am - 11:30 am: Galveston Bay Birding, the Flip Side #3 - $60
This is your opportunity to explore “the other side” of Galveston Bay. We head over the causeway bridge to explore birding areas on the Mainland side of Galveston Bay in the Tiki Island, Texas City, and La Marque areas. One of our best kept secrets and most under explored areas, participants will be surprised at...

8:00 am - 11:00 am: Chasing Birdies at Moody Gardens Golf Course - $50
Moody Gardens Golf Course is an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf certified facility with an eBird hotspot listing over 200 species.  The course was ranked the #4 public golf course in Texas by Golfer's Choice in 2022.  With water on every one of the 18 holes and ample natural habitat throughout and surrounding much.

8:00 am - 11:30 am: Accessible Exploration of Galveston's West End - $45
We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder.

Click here for Registration