Wednesday, Apr 23, 2025 at 6:30am
23rd Annual Galveston FeatherFest
Schedule of Events
6:30 am - 3:00 pm: Beaumont Area Birding Pre-Festival - Trip with Glenn Olsen
Two ecosystems converge in the Beaumont area, the Pineywoods, so called because of the abundant pine trees that are the dominant tree species for the region and the Coastal Marshes, both fresh and brackish marshes along the Gulf Coast. This combination of a variety of habitat results in some excellent spring birding. With the arrival of neotropical migrants, perhaps a rare or uncommon bird or two, a few habitat restricted birds and you have two exciting days to look forward to!
7:00 am - 2:00 pm: Brazoria County Lesser-Known Hot Spots with Martin Hagne #1 - $80
Come join us for a day in Brazoria County birding some of the lesser-known hotspots, although that does not make them any less birdy! These sites are enjoyed by local birders year-round and are especially attractive during spring migration. We will stay flexible with our route depending on weather, bird activity, and other considerations.
7:30 am - 11:30 am: Nature within the Urban Landscape – Pearland - $40
We visit two sites within the City of Pearland to observe how one city's mission, “To protect, manage, and enhance the City's natural resources, provide citizens with outdoor recreation opportunities, and to further the public's understanding and appreciation of its natural resources through education and hands-on experiences”, has been taken to the next level.
8:00 am - 11:30 am: Armand Bayou Rookery Tour - $55
For over forty years Armand Bayou Nature Center has been a leader in habitat restoration. Join us for a behind the scenes adventure of their wildlife treasures. This tour will deepen your appreciation for the richness of life that exists right here next to the fourth largest city in the country.
8:00 am - 1:00 pm: Birding Follett's Island with Kristine Rivers - $70
Follett's Island is just across the San Luis Pass toll bridge from Galveston Island, yet few people are familiar with its name. This pre-festival trip will introduce you to the importance of this ecologically sensitive and narrow barrier island as we explore some of the best birding hotspots along the Bluewater Highway.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Accessible Smith Oaks Field Trip with Virginia Rose - $65
Join Virginia Rose, founder of Birdability, and Pam Smolen, chair-elect for Houston Audubon, on our first FeatherFest accessible field trip to Smith Oaks! From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile.
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm: Birding Armand Bayou by Pontoon Boat - $65
Two of the most iconic birds in North America visit Armand Bayou every winter and spring. The American bald eagle and osprey spend November through April hunting and fishing the productive waters of the bayou. Once threatened by the use of pesticides, the recovery of these species is a great testament to the value of clean water and habitat preservation. This is an incredible viewing opportunity, located in Houston's backyard.
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm: How to Capture the Action at Smith Oaks with Kathy Adams Clark - $90
After this field trip, you will wonder why you waited so long to start photographing birds on the wing! The rookery at Smith Oaks offers endless opportunities for bird in flight photography. Kathy Adams Clark will instruct and guide participants in the following topics with the goal of helping to simplifying the process of photographing.