Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival

Sunday, Mar 23, 2025 at 9:00am

Central Park and along Park Avenue

The Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival is one of the nation’s oldest, largest and most prestigious outdoor art festivals. The festival debuted in March 1960 as a community project to bring local artists and art lovers together. It’s produced by an all-volunteer board and draws up to 250,000 visitors each year. More than 1000 artists from around the world applied for this year’s event. An independent panel of three judges select the artists that will exhibit their works. The festival consistently ranks among the top juried fine-art festivals in the country.  National accolades include #3 in Art Fair SourceBook’s 2020 festival rankings and #6 in Sunshine Artist’s Top 200 from 2010-2020, a 10-year ranking of the nation’s most profitable art shows. In ArtFairCalendar’s list of Best Art Fairs we rank #6 in America and #1 in the South.

The festival features a wide variety of fine arts and crafts in the following categories: clay, digital art, drawings and pastels, fiber, glass, graphics and printmaking, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media-2D, mixed media-3D, painting, photography, sculpture, watercolor and wood as well as an Emerging Artists category.

Date: March 21 - 23, 2025

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