Washington State Apple Blossom Festival

Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 11:00am

Various Venues at Wenatchee, WA

Schedule of Events

11:00am-8:00pm: Memorial Park Food Fair - Memorial Park2 S Chelan Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801

A Delicious part of the Apple Blossom Festival is the Food Fair in Memorial Park! From lunch through dinner, many tasty treats satisfy the appetite and help make meal plans during Festival a snap! With Entertainment during the lunch and dinner hours, the Food Fair in Memorial Park is the place to be!

4pm: Blossoms and Brews Beer Garden
Join us every day of the Festival in the Blossoms and Brews Beer Garden for a wide variety of great drinks and music from the Gesa Entertainment Stage in Memorial Park!

GESA Credit Union Entertainment Stage

Featuring live music from local, regional, and nation-wide artists! Enjoy the music while filling your tummy with Delicious food from one of our many food vendors in the park!

12:00 pm: WHS Chamber Singers, Vocal Jazz
Ensemble, HyTones and FourTune Hunters!

1:00 pm: Wenatchee High School
Chamber Orchestra


4:00 pm: Leanna Shannon & Mike Bills Duo
6:00 pm: Light In Mirrors
8:00 pm: Dimestore Prophets

Funtastic Shows Carnival
The Festival is very proud to have America's seventh largest carnival, Funtastic Shows, participate in its annual event. Come and experience the thrill and excitement of the Funtastic Shows Carnival. Rides of every kind (approx. 25!), thrills, a dazzle of bright, whirling lights, music, good food, and games for all age groups!! Funtastic Shows is one of the safest, cleanest, most widely respected carnivals in the West.

All Service Club and Community Luncheon

Doors Open at 11:30am, Program Begins at 12:00pm
Join us for an afternoon honoring our 2025 Apple Citizen of the Year, Grand Marshal, community leaders, and hearing from our Keynote Speaker.

Wenatchee Convention Center Grand Ballroom
121 N Wenatchee AveWenatche

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