Join us for our 5K Fun Run/Walk and Community Expo. Our goal is to bring the community together to celebrate our children and adults with disabilities, special abilities, and special needs. It is a day where friends, families, businesses, and other community stakeholders can come together to learn, teach, discuss, play and enjoy a day of activities, exercise and fun! We are also bringing awareness of our extraordinary community stakeholders that thrives off of inclusion in their community. Let’s make this a day of celebration!
Event Schedule:
7:00am - 8:30am Race Day registration and T-Shirt pickup
8:30am – Welcome/Warmup
8:50am - 5K *Runners/Walkers*
9:00am - 1 Mile Fun run/walk
10:30am – Awards Ceremony/Thanks
10:00-12:00pm - Fun & Games, Food & Drink Tents, Photos, live DJ and Resource Vendors for everyone.