Turkey Trot

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 8:00am

Riverside Preparatory Academy
2001 Riverside Drive

This is a fun event for the entire family. For those who might want to run a short distance to those who want to take a Thanksgiving morning stroll to the more serious runner that wants to run somewhat of a hilly course before chowing down on Thanksgiving Dinner. Very laid back but FUN!! This is our 15th year of a fun tradition offering a 5K, 10K, and Half Marathon. Each participant will receive a nice soft Garment-dyed hoodie. In order to receive a special hoodie you must sign up by NOVEMBER 17th.  We will also be providing digital timing this year! Fast results will be posted immediately. We ask that you bring 3 can goods to pick up or race morning to be donated to Gainesville First United Methodist Church to share with those in need over the holidays.


Overall Male & Female 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in 5K, 10K, & Half 

Masters Male & Female in 5K,10K, & Half

Click Here For Registration:

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