Turkey Trot 10 K, 5K or 1-Mile Fun Run

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 8:00am

Centerville Public Square
403 West Public Square

The 18th Annual Grinder's Switch Turkey Trot starting and ending on Centerville's Public Square is back for another year. This event has something for everyone: our event consists of a 1 Mile Kids Fun Run or Senior Wobble, 5K & 10K walk or run. Start time for 1 mile at 8am. Our event helps support local families by collecting NEW toys for the Family Resource Centers (FRCs). The FRCs distribute the toys to the children & students of Hickman County through the Operation Santa Claus program. We are also accepting donations of toiletries & packs of new underwear or socks (all sizes) for Coordinated School Health’s WIN-WIN Project (closets in our schools) for students in need. We are appreciative for donations for either cause. It's a great way to start your Thanksgiving Day. In an effort to reduce over production of t-shirts, we are asking that participants pre-register by 11/08/2024 to ensure you get a FREE t-shirt. T-shirts will still be free for onsite registration, but only as supplies last. Early packets with FREE t-shirt pickup and new toy donations are the Friday before Thanksgiving this year! We will be at Four Season Outdoors & Sports located 112 Church Street, Centerville between 10AM -12 PM on Friday, November 22th.

Click Here For Registration:

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