The Dirty Duathlon

Saturday, Jan 25, 2025 at 10:00am

Granite Beach-Folsom Lake SRA
8000 Douglas Blvd

The Dirty Duathlon is an off-road race with a 2 mile trail run - 6 mile single track mountain bike - 2 mile trail run course at beautiful Granite Beach, Folsom Lake SRA. 

Event Schedule:

8:00 - Registration/Packet Pick up opens

9:00 - Race announcements begin

10:00 a.m. - Start of Dirty Duathlon

The Dirty Duathlon is an off-road Duathlon with a run-bike-run course that has scenic trails to run on, and a fun mountain bike course almost entirely on single track trails. Included for each athlete is a TBF Beanie, a chance at awards in each division, and post race food.  

Distances - 2 mile run-6 mile mountain bike-2 mile run

Both runs are the same course, on trails with packed decomposed granite, soft sand, and maybe some mud. There will be an aid station at 1 mile.

The bike course is a combination of single track on hills and rolling flats. Aid stations will be located in the transition area and at mile one on the run course, serving cold water, Hammer Gel Shots, and FLUID Electrolyte beverage.

Awards are for 1st through 3rd place in each age group/category for the Dirty Duathlon for men and women, and 1st overall for each Relay Team Divisions.

Relay Teams

Relay Teams consist of one cyclist and one runner. Entry fee includes two race shirts, goody bags and post race meals. Awards will be first overall in Male, Female and Coed divisions for the Dirty Duathlon.

Click Here for Registration:

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