Spring Bluebird Festival

Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 at 9:00am

Prince Conference Center
1800 East Beltline South East


The Michigan Bluebird Society is proud and pleased to announce the 2025 Spring Bluebird Festival.  This annual all day event will be a day of fun and education with the focus on Eastern Bluebirds and other cavity-nesting birds in the state of Michigan. We will be returning to the Prince Conference Center at Calvin University for this event. The event is geared toward any individual, family or group who is interested in learning how to use nest boxes, feeders, plantings and land management to encourage nesting birds such as Bluebirds.

9:00-10:00 AM – Registration, Meet and Greet, Coffee or Tea - Join old friends, new bluebirders and the public for conversation, camaraderie and coffee or tea.  Visit the Bluebird/Nature Expo including exhibitor, informational displays and the MBS Store

10:00-10:30 AM - Annual MBS Business Meeting - To be held in the Willow Room. President Kurt Hagemeister will provide an update on MBS activities in  2024 and our plans for 2026

10:30-10:45 AM - BREAK - Stretch your legs, visit the Bluebird/Nature Expo and the MBS Store

10:45 AM-12:00 PM - The Bluebird Question and Answer Session - To be held in the Willow Room. Get the answers to your Bluebird (and other cavity-nesting birds) questions.  Join our panel of experts for this popular and informative question and answer session. Then sit tight - a prize drawing will immediately follow this session!  You must be present to win.

12:00-1:00 PM - Lunch - If you purchased lunch, join us for lunch. Also another chance to visit the Bluebird/Nature Expo and the MBS store

1:00-2:15 PM –  Keynote Speaker - What I have Learned in 40 Years of Bluebirding - by renowned author, biologist, bird blogger and artist Julie Zickefoose.  This program is for all those who faithfully monitor nest boxes. Julie has learned much of what she knows about bluebirds by doing experiments and by doing things wrong before she figured out the right way to do them.  Included will be beautiful video clips and hard-won bluebird wisdom.  Julie will be selling and signing several of her books after this session.  Remain seated - a prize drawing will immediately follow this session!  You must be present to win.

2:15-2:30 PM –BREAK - Stretch your legs, visit the Bluebird/Nature Expo, MBS Store, exhibitors and informational displays

2:30-3:30 PM – Get to know bluebirds with Myrna Pearman - Retired biologist and naturalist, wildlife photographer and author. Myrna will walk you thru the A to Z's of bluebirds as described in her book of the same name. Her program for audiences of all ages will share her 4 decades of experience helping bluebirds, mostly in Alberta, Canada.  Myrna will be available to sign copies of her book afterward.   They can also be purchased in the MBS Store.  Sit tight - a prize drawing will immediately follow this session!  You must be present to win.

3:30-3:45 PM - BREAK - Stretch your legs, visit the Bluebird/Nature Expo, exhibitors and informational displays

3:45-4:45 PM - The effect of Light Pollution on Migratory Birds with Robyn Porteen - President of DarkSky Michigan.  The night sky grows increasingly brighter due to the rapid growth of light pollution caused by artificial light at night, and birds are paying the price.  How we can help by making simple changes to our lighting, from cities to private properties.  Sit tight - the final prize drawing will immediately follow this session!  You must be present to win.

4:45 PM - Adjourn - Have a safe trip home

General admission is FREE

Lunch will be offered at a cost of $15. Lunch orders must be placed by 2-28-2025

Click here to Register for Lunch

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