Portage Township YMCA Annual Turkey Trot

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 8:00am

Portage Township YMCA
3100 Willowcreek Road

24th Annual Turkey Trot - Portage Township YMCA

Turkey Trot includes both a Free 1K Kids non-competitive fun run and a competitive 5K, professionally-timed race offered on Thanksgiving morning. All proceeds from the entry fees go towards our Annual Campaign. The Portage Township YMCA’s mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for ALL. Our campaign helps provide financial assistance to individuals and families in our community. The money raised helps ensure our friends and neighbors have access to programs and services that provide food, shelter, chronic disease management, education, and physical activity.

Want a Free entry and help raise money for our capital campaign "Build the Portage Pool“? Individual and/or team fundraising is a great way to help yourself and the community! Choose this option (full details in registration) and all raised funds will go toward the capital campaign project of building a community pool that Portage needs and deserves!

5K Race features includes a Long Sleeve event shirt and Custom Finisher Medal

Awards will be presented for each race as follows:  Top Overall Male & Female, Top Masters Male & Female, Top 3 Male and Female in the following age groups: 4-7,8-10, 11-14,15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60 & up.

Click here for Registration

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