New England Folk Festival

Sunday, Apr 27, 2025 at 10:00am

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel and Trade Center
181 Boston Post Rd W


Trade Center West
10:00 a.m: Festive Yet Tasteful ECD DSJoanna Reiner Wilkinson, Mulberry Garden
11:00 a.m: Sparkling ECD, New and Old DSAnna Rain, Cedar Waxwing
12:15 p.m: Dance PerformanceCountry Dance Society, Boston Centre; The Just Keep Dancing; Boston Scottish Country Dancers; Origins Folkloric Dance Company; Bolly Beatzz by Priya
1:30 p.m: Sunday Contra Medley NXVarious Callers, Chimney Swift
2:00 p.m: Breaking the Chain Contras DSQwill Duvall, Chimney Swift
3:00 p.m: Hey There Contras! DSBev Bernbaum, Les Quatre Patates
4:00 p.m: Festival Orchestra Contras and Sqs -- Merry Go Round at 4:35! DSLisa Greenleaf, Sue Gola, Festival Orchestra

Trade Center Tent
10:00 a.m: Old Time Gospel Sing GBDallal and Henry
11:00 a.m: West Gallery Music GSThe West Gallery Quire
12:00 p.m: Sing-a-Round Round Sing GBDevik Wyman, Martha Ware
1:00 p.m: Jug Band Jam! GBThe Jug Nuts
3:00 p.m: Bluegrass Slow Jam GBJay Johnson
4:00 p.m: Protest Song Share GSNora Maynard

Ballroom AB (Hotel East)
10:00 a.m: Israeli Oldies Dance Party NSAndrea Gwosdow, Israeli Oldies Dance Band
11:00 a.m: Croatian Dance Favorites DSPajdashi
12:00 p.m: Contra Flourishes! TSAlyssa Adkins, Isabel Oliart and Sammy Wetstein
1:00 p.m: Scottish Country Dancing for Beginners TBFlights of Fancy
2:00 p.m: Ragtime Couple Dances TBMartha Griffin
3:00 p.m: International Dancing NSSladka
Ballroom CDE (Hotel East)
10:00 a.m: Rise and Shine Contras DSCarl Levine, Zarkadelphia
11:00 a.m: Contra Chestnuts DSJacob Bloom; Rose, Rebecca, and Mary Cay
12:00 p.m: English and Contra DSHarris Lapiroff, Tabbies' Delight
1:00 p.m: International Dances in "Challenging Times" TSJeanne Clifford, Rakiya
2:00 p.m: East Hungarian Line Dances DBMarjorie Nugent, Tom Roby, Csango Bazonga!
3:00 p.m: WaltzTime NSLarry Unger and Friends
4:00 p.m: Brattleboro Ball Classics (ECD) DSVal Medve, Amsonia

Marlborough (Hotel West)
10:00 a.m: Intro to English Country Dance TBSue Rosen, Bruce Rosen, Clara Stefanov-Wagner
11:00 a.m: Intro to Contra DBSue Gola, Sugar River Band
12:00 p.m: Intro to Balkan Dancing TBSue Rose, NEFFArious Goats
1:00 p.m: Milk and Cookies (Family Dance) DFPenelope Weinberger, Dandelion
2:00 p.m: Community Dance Party DFMargaret Bary, Tabbies' Delight
3:00 p.m: Beginning Appalachian Flatfooting TBJames Keenan, Rebecca Stout, The Dixie Butterhounds
4:00 p.m: Scandi-American Dance Honoring Nils Lundin NXSAC Spelmanslag

Sterling (Hotel West)
10:00 a.m: Songcatchers of Northern New England PCastlebay
11:00 a.m: Singing Greek Folk Songs GBBoston Lykeion Ellinidon
12:00 p.m: Bretagne Jam (Music from Brittany) GSFabien Goulay
1:00 p.m: Clarinet Marmalade and Other Ragtime Delicacies ETurkey Hill Ragtime Orchestra
2:00 p.m: Writing The Songs of Our Ancestors TBVincent Cross
2:45 p.m: Peace and Protest, Love and Longing EHeartSoulVoice Ensemble
4:00 p.m: Only By Singing EKim Wallach

Sudbury (Hotel West)
10:30 a.m: Unusual Instrument Concert ELarry Unger, Julie Metcalf
11:30 a.m: How to Play the Irish Bodhran TBJeanne Hansberry
12:30 p.m: Shenandoah Harmony Singing GSMyles Dakan
1:30 p.m: Harmony, History, and Huzzah! EThe Cropper Lads
2:30 p.m: Lilting Jam: Singing the Tunes GBBecca Mandel, Emma Azelborn
3:30 p.m: Songs About Birds GSJulia Gallogly, Sara Mamlet

Southborough (Hotel West)
10:30 a.m: Power Harmonies GBKen Mattsson, Lynn Noel
11:30 a.m: Eclectic A Cappella ECrooked Mowth
12:30 p.m: Birds of Passage EGeorge and Kathy Stephens
1:30 p.m: Harmony Singing Strategies for All TBThe Junebug Sandals
3:30 p.m: Northern New England and French Canadian Jam GSHenry Chapin

Westborough (Hotel West)
10:00 a.m: Sing Me a Story GFNancy Hershatter
11:00 a.m: Fun and Interactive Songs for Children GFFran Friedman
12:00 p.m: Book in the Song, Song in the Book EFAriel Weinberg
1:00 p.m: Folk Song Singalong GFHowie and Mel
2:00 p.m: Sing Along With Evy GBEvy Mayer, Allen Hopkins
3:00 p.m: Clap It, Tap It: Global Rhythm Games TFDebby Szajnberg
4:00 p.m: You Won’t Believe Your Ears! GBRed Kovatch

Princess (Hotel East)
10:00 a.m: Family Folk Dance DFImogen Mills; Rose, Rebecca, and Mary Cay
11:00 a.m: Morris Dance For Families DFLaurel Swift
12:00 p.m: Singing Games for Children GFAlexandra Deis-Lauby, Margaret Bary
1:30 p.m: Iberia Georgian Songs from Children EIberia Georgian Children's Group
2:30 p.m: Hammered Dulcimer Round Robin EHammered Dulcimer Consortium
3:30 p.m: (set chairs)
4:00 p.m: Family Folk Dance DFAndy Taylor-Blenis

Duchess (Hotel East)
10:00 a.m: Irish Slow Session GBTabbies' Delight
11:00 a.m: Modern Contra Tunes Slow Jam GSSteve Bittenson, Len Bittenson
12:00 p.m: Hypnotic Old-Time Jam GSThe Dead Sea Squirrels
1:00 p.m: Banjo and Hardingfele Mountain Music EHardingbanjofele
2:00 p.m: Singing the American Revolution GSNorumbega Harmony
3:00 p.m: Romanian Jam/Teach GSRalph Iverson
4:00 p.m: Closing Sing-Around GBAllen Hopkins

Seminar (Hotel East)
10:00 a.m: Living on the Downhill Side ERichard Gehrts
11:00 a.m: Guitar/Uke/Vocal Concert! EMark Hanson, Greta Pedersen
12:00 p.m: NEFFA Annual Meeting PNEFFA Board
1:00 p.m: Anglo-Celtic Songs and Tunes EDruid's Flask
2:00 p.m: Clawhammer Banjo Concert EKen Perlman
3:00 p.m: More Songs from All Over EThe All Girl Band
4:00 p.m: New Folk Songs for Fiddle, Voice, and Feet ELaurel Swift

Ritual Dance (Outside Trade Center)
11:00 a.m: WhistlePig Morris Dancers, Harbour Steel, Nobska Lights
12:00 p.m: Seriously Sharp Rapper, Hop Brook Morris, Johnny Jump Ups
1:00 p.m: Mystic Garland Dancers, Still River Sword
2:00 p.m: Juggler Meadow Morris Men, No Apologies Rapper

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