EHT Nature Reserve Turkey Trot 5K and 1 Miler

Saturday, Nov 30, 2024 at 9:00am

Egg Harbor Township Nature Reserve

The 10th Annual Turkey Trot 5k Run And 1 Mile Fun Walk
Join Us For A Unique Experience, The Beauty And Challenge Of Sandy Beaches And Wooded Trails While You Work Off Your Turkey Feast.

Registration 8:00 a.m
Race/Walk 9:00 a.m

The course is a joy to run and will challenge all participants. You will encounter sandy beaches as you run along the perimeter of a beautiful lake, as well as wooded trails with numerous downhill’s and climbs.  You will not experience a better environment for a 5k in all of South Jersey.  We look forward to seeing you there.

The EHT Nature Reserve is located at 318 Zion Road, 1.7 miles west of Ocean Heights Avenue.  Drop-off only permitted at the Reserve for the event.  Off-site parking and a shuttle bus will be provided from Atlantic Christian School, 391 Zion Rd., Egg Harbor Township, 1.5 miles West of Ocean Heights Avenue.

Top 1 M and F Overall.   
Top 2 M and F in the following Age Groups: 14 and under; 15 - 19; 20 - 29; 30 - 39; 40 - 49; 50 - 59; 60+

Pre-Registration Price
5k Pre-Registration entry fee:  $30.00
1 Mile Pre-Registration entry fee:  $10.00

Race Day Registration Price
5k Race Day Registration fee:  $35.00
1 Mile Race Day Registration fee:  $15.00 (Individual or Family)

Click Here For Registration Information

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