Big Cross Frozen Tundra

Saturday, Jan 25, 2025 at 9:30am

Big Cross - Cross Country Course

A wintertime race to remember! There are two races to choose from: the 2.5 Mile Run/Walk and the NEW 5 Mile Run. The Big Cross Frozen Tundra race is open to all, but we especially invite past current and future members of Tri-Cities area high schools' Cross Country and Track Teams. Represent your school and even create your own teams (i.e. Bulldogs of the 2000s, etc). During registration you will even have the chance to donate to donate to and benefit your current local high school cross country program.  


Both Races will start at 9:30am and will take up to 120 participants each. Race bibs and giveaways will be available at the starting line at approximately 9:00am (30 minutes before start time). Race bibs will be according to race. The course is 2.5 miles in length on the woodchip/dirt/gravel trails at Big Cross in Pasco. Participants in the 5-mile run will complete two circuits of the course. 


We encourage participants to create teams and your own unique team uniforms to add to the atmosphere of the event.  We will keep track of and score teams as in a regular Cross Country meet with first 5 team members scoring. This is for spirit and for bragging rights as we will publish the team results.


Spectators may view the race from the designated spectator areas and/or along the course. They must however stay out of the start & finish area and avoid crossing over the race path when runners are visible on the course.

Click Here For Registration:



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