Annual New Year's Eve at Noon 5K

Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 12:00pm

Sandy Creek Park
400 Bob Holman Road

19th Annual New Year's Eve at Noon 5K

AGAIN this year we will celebrate New Year's At Noon on NEW YEAR'S EVE.  

The 5K will begin at 12-Noon sharp. Course will be on paved roads throughout the park and is USATF Certified GA19034DJ. This means you can use your time as a Peachtree Qualifier. After the race there will be plenty of refreshments. Whether you run or walk, come join us for a great time at Sandy Creek Park and celebrate the New Year.

Registration Fees
Registration Fee:  $35.00 through 12/01/24 including a sweatshirt;  $30.00 no sweatshirt

Registration Fee:  $35.00 after 12/01/24.  Sweatshirts are NOT available.


Course will be on paved roads throughout the park and is USATF Certified GA19034DJ. This means you can use your time as a Peachtree

Race Day Schedule

11:00AM: Packet Pickup and Race Day Registration (sweatshirts will not be available on race day)

12 Noon: New Year's(Eve) at Noon 5K

1:00PM: Awards

Black Bag Race Series shirts and bags will be available for Pickup from 11:00AM to 1:30PM

Race Day Registration

Race day registration will begin at 11:00am in Pavillion #1.  Venmo, Cash or checks made out to Classic Race Services will be accepted.  Sweatshirts are NOT available for race day registration.  If you want a sweatshirt pre-register by 12/01/24.


Awards will be presented to Overall Male and Female, Masters Male and Female, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in Male and Female 5-year age groups from 10 and under through 80 and over.

Click here for Registration

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