Annual Haddons Pre-Game Turkey Trot 5K and Fun Run

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 8:00am

7th Annual Haddons Pre-Game Turkey Trot 5K and Fun Run

Earn your turkey and give thanks by giving back to the community on Thanksgiving morning!  Join friends and neighbors for the 7th Annual Haddons Turkey Trot 5K and Fun Run. The run is chip timed and a turkey will be awarded to the overall male and female winners.  Age group winners will receive fresh baked pies.  Cider, cocoa, muffins and good cheer will be served at the field house. The event is organized by Teams Work for Good, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Haddonfield.

Day of Registration begins at 7:00am
Race begins at 8:00am

Turkeys to the Overall Male and Female winners.
Fresh Baked Pies to the male and female age group winners in the following categories: 10 and under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+

Click Here For Registration Information



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