Think of it as the party before the party -- we'll still have our annual Golden Ducks Unlimited event on 3/1/2025 at the Denver West Marriott, but if you want to get together for an informal gathering of DU friends, keep reading..
We're meeting for a Happy Hour with
"Fire & Ice" (aka: guns and coolers) door prizes. Join us for a happy hour, meet fellow Ducks Unlimited volunteers & supporters, and maybe win a sweet door prize!
Registration is only $30 (you must pre-register to attend, you may only register once per-person).
Registration includes:
Registration is limited to 60 people and
we guarantee at least one prize for every 10 people that register. Our door prizes work like this: we start out with prize #1 (firearm) once 10 people register, we add prize #2 (insulated bag + 2x DU tumblers), at 20 people we add prize #3 etc. If we have at least 50 registered, that means all 6 prizes. Must pre-register to attend and must be present to win.
Register now and we will see you there!
<Oh, and don't forget to get your 2025 Calendar Raffle before we run out -
we have calendars!>